Our Beginnings

Combining cultures was something that always ran in our family. African-American-Asian-European cultures all exist in us. Being a part of a big family meant we witnessed all types of different mindsets.

So here we go, four brothers growing up together in an African country gave us the African culture day after day. It was built in us and stayed in all of us. That's how our childhood was based.

Growing up, we were separated by countries but united by a brand. Here the story begins, On a given holiday we were all gathered at our parents' home having the "How was your days" chat with all.

I started asking my bigger brother about his new story with machines and the factory, and he was like "I started it from zero and I was done just a week ago, my CEO is happy with my work but it could be better for me". I sat there remembering the countless days when my idol sat and could not stop talking about every crazy business idea he had. After all, he ended up being a director at his company.

My younger brother is that sporty kind of a guy. Gym and sports are his life. With a stylish fashion life, that built his character. We all knew that this kid would have an idea one day, but we were still waiting.

My small brother is one who holds the biggest, kindest, and most motivated heart. He's the one that all my family loves the most, what could we say? he's the small kiddo.

When it came to me, I was the middle one. And as we all know, the middle kid is always the last. Kidding, I was, am, and always will be that kid who dreams big. With a hobby of collecting any kind of collectibles whatever that was; lighters, coins, cards, bracelets, eyeglasses, sunglasses, shoes, souvenirs, caps, small cars, small bikes,  NFTs you name it. I have it all.

Every one of us has his traits, and every one of us knows each other more than himself. Our parents knew that there was too much diversity here, and they loved that.

After all these years, all the gatherings, and my dreams everyone knew of building a brand. Here came the most respectful person on earth for the four brothers saying: "What about you guys build a brand that combines all four of you, kids". Of course, we all know, once a kid will always be a kid in his parent's eyes. We looked at each other, liking the idea but confused about what to think and what to have to say and he continued:" Just combine all 4 of you guys in one, and you will know the answer." Here we scrambled and we were more than lost. He looked at us and laughed saying: " To make it easier for you kids, start a brand that makes you guys super happy."

That made it easier for me, being happy means having my family beside me. But what would make me happier is having a brand that has every four of us in one. A sporty, stylish, motivational brand that can be collected and has no limits. The previous sentence has the four brothers' characters combined, so we decided to have collectible bracelets that roped our family and hopefully will rope as many cultures as we can.

Ohh, about the brand name, simply it was my nickname when I was 9 years old, and the love of memory made me revive that. Syzos held my hand when I was 9, and it will always do for life.

Family is everything, and I hope to have the biggest family on the planet with Syzos Brand.

See you soon!
